Why Join Krogen Cruisers?
Krogen Cruisers is a non-profit social organization for owners and enthusiasts of Kadey-Krogen yachts. We are a close-knit community with a common goal to enhance the total Krogen ownership experience, which includes buying, maintaining and improving our vessels, planning and enjoying our travels, and sharing fun and fellowship.
The highlight of Krogen Cruisers membership is the opportunity to attend our annual Fall Chesapeake Rendezvous in Solomons, Maryland. The Rendezvous is 4 days of expert presentations, roundtable discussions and good times with friends. Plus the "Krogen Krawl" gives you the opportunity to view many Krogens!
Benefits of Membership
Membership gives you access to our members’ website including:
An interactive Forum for discussion and knowledge-sharing
Classified ads for buying and selling vessels and equipment, as well as the official Krogen Cruisers burgee
Newsletter-type communications to keep you informed
A roster of contact information to keep you connected with your fellow members, including Harbor Hosts
Access to Krogen Finder so you’ll know where your friends are and what Krogen vessels may be in your area
Links to our members’ blogs and to sites of interest to cruisers
Registration for and information about the Annual Chesapeake Rendezvous
Membership in Krogen Cruisers costs $30 per year. Rendezvous registration is additional.
History of Krogen Cruisers
Founded as an informal organization, members share a common interest in cruising and love for their Krogen vessels. Although we are not affiliated with Kadey-Krogen Yachts, we enjoy a strong relationship with them to enhance the Krogen ownership experience.
The group started in the summer of 1989 at the initiation of Grant and Astaar Breining. I Annapolis harbor aboard their Krogen 42, Carinya, they noticed a handful of other Krogen boats in the harbor. One evening they decided to meet these fellow Krogen 42 owners and invite them to a gathering. The seven owners and their boats constituted the origin of the Krogen Cruisers and began the tradition of the Krogen Rendezvous.
In those early days the focus was strictly social, the organization was informal, and membership grew by word of mouth. From the start the Cruisers had much to share and along with the annual rendezvous, they started a newsletter. Much as we do today they enjoyed both the informal camaraderie of other owners along with the valuable sharing of experience.
As interest in the group increased, the membership expanded beyond boaters in the Chesapeake and broadened to include Krogen vessels of every size and design. Although the majority of our members today reside coast to coast in North America we have owners in Europe, South America and the Far East. “At Home on Any Sea” you can expect to find one of about 250 members of the Krogen Cruiser fleet just about anywhere you travel. Thanks to our group of Founders, you will easily recognize a fellow member of the Krogen Cruisers by our colorful burgee displaying a Krogen 42 cruising in front of the setting sun.
In 2008, the group was formally organized as a tax exempts obtained 501(C)(7) corporation, created Bylaws, and elected a Board of Directors. Our traditions have grown along with our membership. While the Chesapeake Rendezvous has been going strong for over 30 years, similar get togethers take place on the West Coast of Florida, the Pacific Northwest and in New England. Even when winter dry-docks some of us, the original “Hard Aground” parties have made way for the traditions of the Krogen Super Bowl parties and the weekly Krogen breakfast in Stuart, FL and The Keys. We now have Harbor Hosts in many ports, members with local knowledge to assist cruisers. To be sure, you are never far from a Krogen gathering and often a simple word-of-mouth or email invitation creates a spontaneous rendezvous.