Dave Anderer, Krogen Finder

Dave was introduced to boating at the age of 6 months by his family and has tried to be near the water ever since. For the last 20 years he and Carol have been exploring the Chesapeake under both sail and power. Now that they're both retired from IT careers they have the time to roam farther afield. Dave has taken over supporting the Krogen Finder app that Mike Malpass created and supported for many years.
Claudio Bo, Co-founder, GEC, S.R.L., President, AquaMap

In 1989 Claudio received a degree in Computer Science from the Universitá di Torino. He designed and managed Italy’s first automobile navigation system which was first adopted by Italy’s police force. Claudio also designed and implemented integrated automobile systems (radio/ phone/audio/ navigation), used in all Alfa Romeo and Fiat vehicles. From 2000 to 2013, Claudio was Cartography Software Manager and later Chart Plotter Program Manager for Navionics. In 2013, Claudio became co-founder and developer of Terra Map and Aqua Map.
Jim & Sylvia Crain, Owner, KK 48 Rincon Feliz

Jim and Sylvia Crain have owned Rincon Feliz, a 48 Northsea walkaround since May of 2020 and except for some lake boating on much smaller boats in the mountain west, have no boating experience. They've always wanted to go somewhere on a boat and will share their experience on the Downeast Loop and Canadian cruising.
Steve D'Antonio, Owner, Marine Consulting, Inc.

Steve has been employed continuously in the marine industry since 1988, beginning as a mechanic and electrician and, in 1994 going on to manage boat yards and custom boat building shops in North Carolina and Virginia. In that same year, he published his first article, "Upgrading the Electrical System" in a national sailing magazine. Since that time, he has written well over a thousand technical, seamanship, destination, boat review and historical articles for various publications, including Professional Boat Builder (of which he is the Technical Editor), Ocean Navigator, PassageMaker, Boat US Seaworthy, Soundings, Wooden Boat, and Practical Sailor among others. Steve is a graduate of Boston College (1986), receiving a Bachelor of Arts degree in political science with an emphasis in Russian/Soviet history and affairs and a graduate of the Woods Hole-based Semester at Sea program. In 2007 Steve launched Steve D’Antonio Marine Consulting, Inc. which offers marine systems consulting, management and technical training and pre-purchase services to boat owners, boat builders and others within the marine industry.
Celine Heindl, Office Mgr., Port 32 Marinas - Ortega Landing
Greg Heine, CEO, Vessel Vanguard
Rob & Julia Klug, Owners of KK-58 Sea La Vie

Rob and Juliet are full-time live-aboard on their KK58-16 purchased Feb 2020. Since owning Sea La Vie, they have cruised up and down the east coast, and love to anchor and find new places to enjoy with the Bahamas trip as our definite highlight. They will share the ten things they learned on their first trip to the Exumas
Don LaNeve, KC Webmaster, Owner KK55 Invictus

Don spent nearly 40 years in the suit and tie world, wearing various corporate hats as COO for AVI-SPL and VP of Operations for Scientific Games Corp. At age 58, he traded the tie for t-shirts and flip flops, to live his dream of cruising full-time. He and his wife, Sue, have owned seven boats, currently live aboard INVICTUS, a KK 55' Expedition, and manage the Krogen Cruiser Website. One of Don's hobbies is developing software to monitor onboard systems.
Geoff Leech, Senior Director, SIRIUS XM Marine Services

Geoff Leech is a lifelong boater who lives on the Chesapeake Bay and has spent twenty years in the marine industry. In Geoff’s current role as the Senior Director of SiriusXM’s Marine Services, he oversees all aspects of the marine division’s satellite-based weather and fishing services. In addition to establishing strategic partnerships with electronics dealers and boat manufacturers, Geoff also manages all boat shows, fishing tournaments, educational offerings, and myriad sponsorship activities. Over the last four years, Geoff has created a team of the industry’s top ambassadors around the country that represent the SiriusXM Marine services at various events and out on their local waterways.
Max Parker, VP Yard Operations, Zimmerman Marine

Max has worked at ZMI for more than 20 years, as a Tech, a Service Coordinator, and a Yard Manager. Max was selected as VP of Yark Operations to maintain the level of expertise and quality service that Zimmerman customers deserve and expect. Max’s primary responsibility is technical training, standards, and employee certifications, but his role will go well beyond that to include supporting yard managers to maximize productivity and serving as a point of contact for customer service. Max serves on the ZMI Board and the Executive Committee.
Dave Trostle, Owner/President, Sterling Acceptance Corp.

Dave’s interest in boating started when he was 12 years old, when his parents bought their wooden 27’ Chris Craft. He learned to navigate the Chesapeake Bay with nothing more than a paper chart, a set of parallel rulers and a compass. The opportunity to come to Sterling Acceptance Corporation blended his business skills, boating background and industry knowledge, Along the way, he obtained his yacht insurance license and currently represents GlobalMarine Insurance. He and his wife Karen spend as much time as possible on their Post 50. and it is rare that they do not run into someone that financed their boat with them. They have also visited many of the top RV destinations around the country. “I must say that, I am one of those people that truly do enjoy coming to work and helping people realize a dream they have of owning that boat or RV they always wanted."
Tucker West, President/CEO, Kadey Krogen Yachts

Tucker West, who spent most of his life with boats, boating, and the marine industry, is the President and CEO of Kadey Krogen Yachts. He is a member in good standing as a CPYB, IYBA member, YBAA member, and a licensed and bonded broker in Florida. Tucker had previously served as VP of Sales at KKY for seven years prior and currently lives in Portsmouth, RI, with his wife and three teenagers all of whom are, “At Home on Any Sea”!